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Energy Tea

A combination of naturally invigorating herbs that boost energy levels and enhance concentration and focus

Uses and Indications:

  • Improves Athletic Performance
  • Herbal/Natural Pre-work out…to help Push through those sets, increase reps, and lift heavier.
  • Can be taken as a study Aid, as it enhances Focus and Concentration
  • Helps overcome exhaustion and fatigue
  • Improves Breathing and Posture
  • Recommended for Enhancing performance with Yoga/Meditation/Pranayama
  • Indicative for CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), Fibromyalgia, or other ailments which reduces Energy and Metabolic Capacity of the individual
  • Improves Sexual performance and endurance.
  • Helps regulate circulation and cystolic pressure

Synerveda Energy TeaTM is a blend of Ayurvedic Herbs and other indigenous plants from China, East Asia and South America. The blend is formulated with botanical extracts that includes leaves, berries, roots and stem that have varied properties of excitation and elation. The extracts are concentrated to the primary active ingredients (Alkaloids, catechamines, etc) to maximise the effectiveness. These ingredients affect different systems of the body, including the CNS, heart rate and metabolic activity, respiratory system, mental acuity to improve focus and concentration, thus cumulatively raising the Energy or ‘prana’ of the entire being, naturally and opposed to just a synaptic rush such as with caffeine. The advantage of this blend as opposed to Coffee or other stimulants is that the Rise in Energy is gradual and natural, and not intense and rushed, thus giving a comfortable sense of refreshment, akin to the feeling one gets from waking up from a nap. Also, since it is not stimulatory and non-synthetic in nature, there is no rapid downgrade, as one often feels with coffee and /or energy drinks, as a ‘come down’ or ‘crash’ and the person feels even more exhausted and tired afterward.

The following excerpts from Research Articles and peer reviewed journals, is presented to provide a road map to an in-depth understanding on the Mechanisms of Action of the components of this blend.

Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis):

Green Tea is probably one of the most popular Health Drinks and is replete with antio-oxidants, catechins, flavonoids and polyphenols. The chief polyphenol in Green Tea is EECG (epigallocatechin gallate). EECG is mainly an antioxidant and quite a potent free radical scavenger, and has also been proven quite effective in promoting fat oxidation and lowering body weight. Other catechins in Green tea also help with free radical scavenging, detoxification, cellular protection, etc.

Green tea by itself is also mildly energizing, although not as much as Black Tea or Coffee, primarily because the caffeine content is not as high, and also due to the presence of L-Theanine. L-theanine’s effects on the brain are the opposite of stimulatory, i.e. it blocks the excitatory stimuli at glutamate receptors in the brain, and also stimulates production of gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is an inhibitory, relaxing neurotransmitter. This action of L-theanine is what is responsible to the soothing, relaxing effect of green tea.

Concentrated Green Tea Extract however, has been shown to exhibit energizing properties, mainly due to its action on metabolic activity. In a Japanese study with mice that were fed GTE in variable doses, over a period of 10 weeks, demonstrated a significant improvement in energy, endurance as well as Fat oxidation. Swim time to exhaustion for mice increased from 8% to 24%, and this was accompanied by an increase in lipid catabolism (Murase, 2004). The delay to fatigue, in this study was attributed to lowered plasma lactate in skeletal muscle of GTE fed mice, suggesting an increased use of lipid as an energy source. Other studies using animal muscle preparations in vitro showed delayed muscle fatigue due to the the addition of antioxidants to the suspension medium (Barclay, 1991).

Another swim fatigue study with Rats showed that EGCG prolonged exhaustive swimming time, decreasing the levels of blood lactic acid, serum urea nitrogen, serum creatine kinase and malondialdehyde, which were accompanied by corresponding increase in liver and muscle glycogen contents, indicating that EGCG significantly prolonged exhaustive swimming time and reduced Muscular Fatigue (Yu-song Teng, 2017).

Stored glycogen in the tissues is the primary source of energy during exercise, and an increase in glycogen in liver tissue indicates that the basal energy was unutilized and energy was derived from Fat Oxidation. Also there was a significant decrease in Serum Creatine Kinase is a clinical biomarker for muscle damage and an indirect index of the damage of membrane structure. This decrease in Serum Creatine Kinase is indicative that EGCG improves exercise tolerance (Yu-song Teng, 2017).

The main implication of cumulative fatigue during exercise is the muscle damage that impairs neuromuscular function and training adaptations. In a triple blinded placebo control experiment, sixteen trained athletes were randomly assigned to either 500mgs of Green Tea Extract, or placebo. The Placebo group showed lower magnitudes of neuromuscular activity and higher indicators of muscle fatigue and oxidative stress. The GTE group GTE group showed better indicators of neuromuscular performance and cardiovascular demand and were also able to employ new muscle fibres and significant improvement in Peak Performance in comparison to the placebo group (Alvaro, 2018).

Green Tea by itself is mildly refreshing, but when consumed as a concentrated extract seemingly improves exercise capacity and Endurance. Although, it is not as potent as a stimulatory herb, it provides an extension to the energy burst by reducing fatigue and exhaustion time.

Yerba Matte (Ilex paraguariensis)

A perennial shrub, belonging to the Holly family, Yerba Mate is native to mostly Southern and Central regions of South America, including Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil and southern Chile. Its leaves are evergreen, leafing in all four seasons, and grows best in the shade, away from direct sunlight. Yerba Mate that is grown under sheds or in the shadows of taller trees tend to retain more of the nutrients and phytochemicals, and usually have the strongest flavour.

Yerba mate was first cultivated and used by the indigenous Guaraní people and in some Tupí communities in southern Brazil, and is said in folklore to be a gift of the Gods for Vitality, Strength and Vigour. It was consumed by soldiers during battle, and also used as a medicinal herb by Shamans and Ayahuasceros to treat various ailments and conditions. The stimulant properties of the beverage became popular with Argentinian gauchos (or cowboys), who sipped yerba mate for energy during cattle drives or long harvest days. It was also consumed in place of scarce food during periods of drought or famine.

Today, it is a popular beverage across almost all of South America. It is still served ceremoniously, steeped in a wide angled cup and sipped with a metal sieved straw called a ‘Bombilla’. The taste is Earthy, herbaceous and kind of bittersweet, with the fragrance of a rainforest floor. If steeped for longer, or at higher temperatures, it extracts more of the potent tannins, giving the body a little more astringency. Some producers roast the leaves and twigs for a toasted flavor. Others age the harvested herb in wood containers to impart even more layers of forest-like flavor.

Yerba Mate contains a variety of polyphenols, including the flavonoids quercetin and rutin. But the main active ingredients that give Yerba Matte it’s distinct refreshing characteristics are its Xanthines, which are Caffeine, theobromine and theophylline.

Theobromine is also found in chocolate. It increases dopamine levels, and is the ‘feel good’ component of Chocolate. The caffeine content in Yerba Mate is higher than black tea, but not as much as in Coffee. The combination of these levels and ingredients makes Yerba Mate quite a unique beverage, where the excitation effect is not quite mild as green tea, nor as jittery and stimulating like coffee, but just a pleasant, slow rise, kind of rejuvenating like you’ve just woken up from a refreshing nap.

Yerba Mate also contains minerals potassium, magnesium and manganese.
The Metabolic effects of the components of Yerba Mate have been shown to help reduce body fat, serum cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and an improved glycemic control. Aside from anti-lipogenic and cardiovascular benefits, yerba mate has also been known to be anti-oxidative, vasodilatory, anti-mutagenic and confers reduction in blood lipids (Roisin, 2017).

Recent findings have also indicated that YM metabolic properties may be combined with positive psychomotor effects including improved mood, enhanced focus, alertness, energy and decreased fatigue (Outlaw J, 2013).

In a double blind, repeated measures, crossover placebo controlled study in Helsiniki, Finland, a study group of 12 healthy, physically fit females between the ages of 18-40 years received either capsulated yerba mate (2 gms, pure leaf) or an equivalent amount of placebo. They were tested for Fatty Acid Oxidation, VO2max, and for overall mood, satiety, fatigue and focus. A Profile of mood state (POMS) questionnaire was used to assess participants’ mood state (perceived alertness, focus, energy, fatigue, and concentration).

Conclusively, there was a significant increase in VO2max and Fatty Acid Oxidation. Although, the satiety effect could also be attributed to increased metabolism due to exercise.

Yerba mate ingestion significantly affected POMS measures following exercise by an increased focus (p = 0.022), energy (p= 0.008) and concentration (p = 0.003), and showed an increase in alertness (p = 0.066) in the YM treatment compared with the placebo group (Roisin, 2017).

Another study, conducted at the Human Performance Lab (HPL) at the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton, Texas to test the efficacy of a combination of Caffiene, Green Tea Extract and Yerba Mate on fatigue reduction, focus and alertness. 12 athletes (6 male and 6 female), all in good shape and physically fit, were tested for REE (resting energy expenditure) respiratory exchange ratio (RER), reported measures of alertness, focus, energy, concentration, fatigue, and hunger, as well as the general safety of the product based on electrocardiogram (ECG).

The participants received either two capsules of DBX containing 340 mg of total caffeine plus green tea extract, yerba mate extract and other active ingredients or a placebo (PLC) in a double-blinded, crossover design. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP), REE, RER and perceived mood states were measured at baseline and then hourly for four hours after ingesting either treatment.

Resting energy expenditure showed significant increment at all 4 time intervals. There was sustained fatigue for the first two hours, and a significant improvement in alertness and focus. Conclusively, the Blend of Yerba Mate, Green Tea and Caffiene inhibited both physical and mental fatigue, with increased alertness without causing anxiety or an offshoot in Blood Pressure or Cardiac stability (Outlaw, 2017).

Yerba maté is a CNS stimulant. The metabolic effects of maté appear to include the ability to maintain aerobic breakdown of carbohydrates during exercise for long peri-ods of time. As a result, more calories are burned, thereby increasing cardiac efficiency and delaying the build-up of lactic acid. It also has been proven to be an inhibitor of Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) and has been proposed to be used for treatment in cases of depression, disorders of attention, focus, mood, emotional disturbances as well as Parkinsons. It could also help alleviate withdrawal symptoms from substance abuse, eating disorders, etc (DH Bastos, 2007).

The Medical benefits and long term benefits of Yerba Mate as a regular supplement are tremendous and untapped. But the biggest victory is in using it to improve focus and energy, wthout any jitteriness or synaptic side effects.

Ephedra Sinica (MaHuang):

Ephedra Sinica is a plant species native to Mongolia, Russia and parts of Northern China. It is also found in Northern India and Japan, but mostly grows in areas of High Altitudes.
The active molecules (Ephedrine, norephedrine, pseudoephedrine) are all alkaloids that are similar to adaptogens and present in the berries. The berries are mostly red or reddish pink in colour. These alkaloids act on the Central Nervous System causing excitation (Increase in Heart Rate, a Boost in Metabolism and higher levels of Energy and Activity), which is exothermic (heat producing, in the body).The purpose of this plant, as with most fruiting plants that grow in higher altitudes is to provide animals (or humans) at that higher altitude, an instant burst of Energy to help navigate steep terrain, as well as to provide Heat to the body, as the temperatures at high altitudes are lower. This is the reason why Ephedra increases energy levels within the consumer as well as a boost in metabolism, due to increased heart rate.

Ephedrine acts as a stimulant in the central nervous system. It is a mixed sympathomimetic agent that enhances the release of norepinephrine from sympathetic neurons and stimulates alpha and beta receptors thus stimulating heart rate and thereby increasing cardiac output (Hardman, 2001). It causes peripheral constriction resulting in an increase in peripheral resistance that can lead to a sustained rise in blood pressure (Astrup,1993). Ephedrine is also a decongestant and used in ayurveda for alleviating respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis and shortness of breath.

Ephedrine, either alone or in combination with caffeine, has often been described as thermogenic, i.e., having the ability to increase energy expenditure. As mentioned earlier, the reason for this, is to produce heat in the body. And the mechanism involved increases heart rate, boosts metabolism and provides an instantaneous burst of Energy, and supposedly also improves endurance. Due to these reasons, ephedra has been tried and tested as an aide for improving athletic performance. Most studies show varied but definitive improvement in energy expenditure, delayed muscle fatigue and improved focus.

A study conducted to assess the efficacy of Ephedra in delaying fatigue, by subjecting the participants to prolonged driving‐related tasks using three independent measures. 15 Subjects either ephedrine (60 mg) or a placebo of the same amount, before carrying out a 3‐way divided attention task for an uninterrupted 4 hour period. The performance of the placebo group on the prolonged task deteriorated over time, whereas that of the ephedrine group improved. In placebo subjects, there was a progressive decrease in heart rate, an increase in heart rate variability (HRV) and an increase in the peak log spectral power of the blood pressure frequency component of HRV. The deterioration in performance in the placebo group indicated the development of fatigue which was partially offset by a single therapeutic dose of ephedrine (Moolenaar, 1999).

In a randomized, double‐blind cross‐over study, to determine the impact of Ephedra on Resting Energy Expenditure, 8 subjects were given either a placebo or a Ephedra + caffeine combo. They were then put to physical activity for 3 hours, after which they were tested for Heart Rate, systolic and diastolic Blood Pressure and RER.

The results determined a significant increase in RER, as well as systloic BP as well as Heart Rate. Resting Energy Expenditure in subjects on Ephedra were 8.5 (+/-2.5) higher than the placebo Group. The Heart Rate of the Ephedra group was 22.7 (+/-5.5), above baseline as compared to 8.9 (+/-2.2)% higher than baseline in the placebo group. systolic BP was 9.1 (± 2.2)% higher than baseline for the caffeine/ephedra trial compared with only 1.9 (± 2.9)% different from baseline for the placebo trial. There was no significant difference in the diastolic blood pressure.

This concludes that Ephedra confers a huge difference in heart rate, metabolism and Resting Energy Expenditure. Although however, studies conducted to test for Ephedra’s ability in athletes to build strength and muscle gain were inconclusive (Williams 2008).

Hence, Ephedra plays a role in this Energy Blend, of Boosting metabolic Rate and increasing Heart Rate, while simultaneously also providing endurance, and delaying fatigue, but are complemented by other components in delivering an overall increase in strength.

Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)

Ginseng is a type of slow-growing perennial plant that belongs to the genus Panax in the family Araliaceae. This multifaceted plant, has been used in traditional Chinese Medicine from ancient times. It is found mainly in North America and in the Northern Hemisphere of eastern Asia in areas such as Korea, Bhutan and eastern Siberia. The ‘panax’ variety of Ginseng is the one that grows in China and Northern Asia, and is known to be the most potent in terms of medicinal use. It is known as a wonder root, because it is prescribed and used for a variety of ailments and chronic conditions, including diabetes, improving circulation, curing impotency, respiratory disorders, immunological, neurological disorders, etc. Ginseng roots are sold mainly in the dried form and comes in various grades and classifications. It is mainly popular as a Tonic for Energy and as an Aphrodisiac.

One of the first commercially produced ‘Energy Drink’s ever, Red Bull was ‘discovered in 1987 by Austrian entrepreneur, Dietrich Mateschitz. During his travels to Asia, he came across this traditionally prepared brew in Thailand that was magically invigorating and refreshing. It was served in brothels as a drink for ‘invigoration’ and vitality. The main ingredient in it of course, was Ginseng. He changed up the taste a little bit, added carbonation, sold it as an ‘energizing beverage’, and called it Red Bull.

Several Energy Drinks and Herbal teas, products etc on the market today use Ginseng, as an energizer. The main reason it helps vitality of course, because it improves vasodilation and circulation.

Ginseng is classified as an adaptogen, due to its ability to boost energy and relieve stress. Both American as well as Asian ginsengs have nutritive, restorative, and normalizing effects which enhance homeostasis and counteract negative effects brought about by stressors. They do this mainly by helping to restore normal functioning of the body’s main stress response system, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis).

Ginseng’s active ingredients, called ginsenosides, have been shown in animal studies to reduce cytokines related to inflammation and to help regulate cortisol levels.This was tested and demonstrated in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial conducted by Mayo researchers and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The researchers evaluated a daily dose of 2000 mgs on 364 Cancer Patients (or survivors) across 40 different clinics, over a period of 8 weeks. After 8 weeks, those taking the ginseng showed a statistically and clinically significant difference in their levels of fatigue compared to those taking the placebo. Patients had significant improvements starting at the 4th week of the trial (Barton, 2013).

In another randomised, double-blind, controlled clinical trial, 90 subjects that suffered from various chronic fatigue syndromes were given varied amounts of Ginseng (American as well as Siberian Ginseng), and 30 random subjects received placebo. After a multitude of tests, spanned over 4 weeks of clinical trials, it was determined that Panax Ginseng, does significantly reduce fatigue and oxidative stress. Major causes of fatigue itself was pointed out to be due to stress, and Ginseng seemingly seems to provide more of mental energy, by reducing stress (adaptogenic effect) and also due to antioxidant activity. One finding of this study also precluded that Siberian Ginseng did not seem to create as much significant difference in fatigue and energy as American or Asian (Panax) Ginseng (Hyeong-Geug Kim, 2013).

A 24-week randomized open-label study with Korean red ginseng (KRG) showed cognitive benefits in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Cognitive function was evaluated every 12 weeks using the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS). Various psychoneuromotor tests and standardized psychological tests indicated an improvement in cognitive function over the period of 24 weeks. An evaluation after two years indicated that the effects lasted long term. Most studies that tested Ginsengs abilities on memory, mental abilities and cognitive functions was with Alzheimer’s patients of other conditions of mental impairment, showing tremendous potential for Ginseng as a therapeutic aide for cognitive disabilities and chronic mental ailments (Jae-Hyeok Heo, 2004).

A study was conducted by the Japanese Pharmacological society to assess the overall efficacy of Ginseng (Korean Red Ginseng) on prevention of diseases, especially to see how the components of ginseng help combat the psychosomatic affects of Stress on the human body. The marker parameter of this study was to see how the body reacts when exposed to the influenza virus (common cold) and if the ingestion of ginseng affected the outcome.

The result indicated firstly, that there was an impact on the immunological system, since subjects that were given Ginseng supplementation effectively fought the virus. This is because ginsenoside (The active saponin) suppresses the degradation of immune potential caused by many stresses. But more importantly, the action of the adaptogenic affect of ginseng was found to be due to ginseng’s ability as a modulator to maintain the homeostasis of the autonomic-endocrine system (Hitoshi Kaneko, 2004). Ginseng thus maintains a healthy rhythm of the body, keeping the body active, able and strong, physically, mentally as well as intrinsically.

Water Hyssop (Baccopa Monerei)

Baccopa Monerei is a perennial, non aromatic, creeping herb native to the wetlands of southern and Eastern India, Australia and Europe. It thrives in marshy wetlands and is hence quite prevalently found in Southern India, in the Backwaters of Kerala. Also colloquially known as ‘Bramhi’ it is used extensively in Ayurveda, mainly to treat cognitive, mental, emotional and psychological issues. It is also used in the treatment of Gout, arthritis and epilepsy. The active compounds of Bramhi are dammarane-type triterpenoin saponin Bacoside (A and B) with jujubogenin, alkaloids: brahmine and herpestine.

Bramhi is named after the Hindu God ‘Bramha’ who is known as the Creator, and the leader of the pantheon of human Gods, as he is associated with intellect and creativity. This herb was allegedly used by Vedic scholars in ancient times to memorize the Vedic texts. At that time, Vedic knowledge was only passed on from Master to disciple verbally, and not put down as written word for fear of being passed on to the hands of the ‘unworthy of divine knowledge’. Bramhi apparently enhances cognition as well as memory and retention. It has tremendous potential as a nootropic herb.

The most studied components of bramhi are Bacosides. Bacoside A and B are known to improve the signalling between neurons. They also help rebuild damaged neurons, hence helping with building memory. In one study in Portland, Oregon researchers gave 54 volunteers 300 mg of B. Monnieri per day for 12 weeks. After the 12-week study, the subjects taking Baccopa had Better word recall, Better attention, Better memory scores, A greater ability to focus while learning, Less anxiety and lower heart rates (Carlo Calabrese, 2008).

In another study done in Australia, results were measured at 5 and 12 weeks of taking Bacopa. The results showed improved speed of information processing, and an increase in learning and memory. Outcome measures included cognitive outcomes from the MTF, with mood and salivary cortisol measured before and after each completion of the MTF. Change from baseline scores indicated positive cognitive effects, positive mood effects and also reduction in cortisol levels, pointing to a physiological mechanism for stress reduction (Benson S, 2014).

Chronic Stress and Cortisol causes nerve damage, reduces brain functionality and is a prevalent cause of fatigue and tiredness. Not just physically, but mental tiredness causes confusion, leading to further anxiety and lethargy. When the brain is under stress, there is an increased production on Hsp70 (Heat shock protein. The main function of hsp70 is for folding proteins to consolidate protein formation during times of stress, probably to minimize resources. Baccopa Monerei increases incidence of EROD (7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase) and PROD (7-pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). which are neuroprotective agents. These enzymes protect the brain during times of stress, by reducing toxic compounds by converting them, or folding their proteins into non-toxic fragments, which are useful for brain activity. SOD battles destructive free radicals called superoxides. And converts them into harmless organic compounds (Chowdhuri, 2002).

Ingestion of Baccopa M has also shown to increase levels of neurotransmitter acetocholine, which is indicative of better cognitive functionality and faster synapses. This happens probably due to the suppression of acetocholine esterase enzyme, which becomes more pronounced In neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers (Sebastian Aguiar, 2013). In incidence Bacoppa Monerei shows great promise as a treatment for cognitive disabilities, a nootropic herb for enhancing memory and learning, an anti stress aide to help combat anxiety, stress and dissonance. Also as it calms the mind and promotes more positive thought, it is mentally rejuvenating. A mind that is replete with more positive thought, is a mind that is naturally more active, energetic, productive and engaging.

Vasaka / Malabar Nut: (Justicia adhatoda):

Justica adhatoda is a perennial shrub, prevalently native to South Asia (India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China and Malaysia). The leaves are lance shaped and extremely bitter. Vasaka is used extensively in Ayurveda and Unnani medicine as an expectorant mostly in the treatment for respiratory disorders. The leaves of Adhatoda vasica contain phytochemicals such as alkaloids, tannins, saponins, phenolics and flavonoids. The most important is vasicine, a quinazoline alkaloid.
Both vasicine and vasicinone, the primary alkaloid constituents of Adhatoda are extremely potent bronchodilators and are helpful in treating respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis (Nyeem, 2017). The bronchodilating effects of Vasaka are quite pronounced, and although used mainly medicinally, it can be quite effective in opening up breathing and respiratory airways.

In a study conducted in China, the antitussive, expectorant, and bronchodilating effects of the quinazoline alkaloids Vasicin, Deoxyvasicine and vasicinone were evaluated in mice and guinea pigs. Isolated Vasicine, Deoxyvasicine and vasicinone were administered orally. Bronchodilation tests showed that Vasicine, , Deoxyvasicine and vasicinone prolonged the pre-convulsive time for 28.59%, 57.21%, and 29.66%, respectively, at a dose of 45 mg/kg in guinea pigs, whereas aminophylline prolonged the pre-convulsive time by 46.98% compared with pre-treatment (Liu W, 2015).

The bronchodilatory action of Vasaka helps improve respiratory ability and therefore creates an increase in VO2max, causing deeper breathing and also a more stimulated breathing pattern. Enhanced breathing primarily helps create more endurance and stamina for any kind of physical activity. Additionally, deeper and more enhanced breathing also increases intake of Oxygen. More oxygen then is passed through the blood stream to the Brain, creating a larger Oxidative capacity, as well as garnishing more ‘alertness’ and awakedness in the individual. Although there have been no formal studies or clinical trials purely with Vasaka as an ergogenic aide or to assess athletic performance, we believe that the bronchodilatory action can enhance breath and hence aide the entire Energizing effect of the formulation.

Synerveda Energy TeaTM has been blended and formulated precisely for enhancing the Energy and Endurance as well as cognitive and mental capacity of the consumer. This blend uses concentrated herbs and botanical extracts that work together synergistically. Green Tea provides antioxidants and caffeine, Yerba Mate produces refreshment and a light increase in Mood, which balances with the Baccopa, in improving mental alertness by blocking stressors and eradicating the negation of stress factors and anxiety that cause lethargy and confusion. The Ginseng, alongside provides mental focus, and improved concentration, while the Ephedra along with Green Tea Extract improve endurance and give an instant boost in physical stamina by increasing metabolism, heart rate and Cystolic pressure. The Vasaka in turn improves breathing to provide more oxygen to sustain the increased heart rate, and hence in Synergy with each other, the combination of these herbs aim to naturally elevate the body’s energy levels, not synaptically like coffee or other stimulants, but in a more natural manner by invoking all biological parameters, and making all the body’s responses raise the ‘prana’ naturally and synergistically.


Green Tea

Costill DL, Dalsky GP, and Fink WJ. Effects of caffeine ingestion on metabolism and exercise performance. Med Sci Sports 10: 155–158, 1978.
Takatoshi Murase, Satoshi Haramizu, Akira Shimotoyodome, Azumi Nagasawa, and Ichiro Tokimitsu. Green tea extract improves endurance capacity and increases muscle lipid oxidation in mice. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiology 288: R708 –R715, 2005.

Barclay JK and Hansel M. Free radicals may contribute to oxidative skeletal muscle fatigue. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 69: 279 –284, 1991.
Álvaro S. Machado, Willian da Silva, Mauren A. Souza, and Felipe P. Carpes. Green Tea Extract Preserves Neuromuscular Activation and Muscle Damage Markers in Athletes Under Cumulative Fatigue. Front Physiol. 2018; 9: 1137.
Yu-song Teng and Di Wu. Anti-Fatigue Effect of Green Tea Polyphenols (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG). Pharmacogn Mag. 2017 Apr-Jun; 13(50): 326–331.

Yerba Mate

Outlaw J., Wilborn C., Smith A., Urbina S., Hayward S., Foster C., Wells S., Wildman R., Taylor L. Effects of ingestion of a commercially available thermogenic dietary supplement on resting energy expenditure, mood state and cardiovascular measures. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr. 2013;10:25
Ahmad Alkhatib* and Roisin Atcheson. Yerba Maté (Ilex paraguariensis) Metabolic, Satiety, and Mood State Effects at Rest and during Prolonged Exercise. Nutrients, 2017 Aug; 9(8): 882.
Deborah Helena Markowicz Bastos, Daniela Moura de Oliveira1, Ruth Lobato Teixeira Matsumoto1, Patrícia de Oliveira Carvalho, Marcelo Lima Ribeiro. Yerba maté: Pharmacological Properties, Research and Biotechnology. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Biotechnology, 2007. Global Science Books, pg 43.


M. Moolenaar P. A. Desmond, D. J. Mascord, G. A. Starmer, B. Tattam, E. R. Volkerts. The effects of ephedrine on the development of fatigue in a prolonged driving‐related task. Human Psychopharmacology, Clinical and Experimental. Volume14, Issue6. August 1999.
Ephedra and Ephedrine Alkaloids for Weight Loss and Athletic Performance. National Institute of Health: A Fact sheet for Health Professionals. July, 2004.
Hardman JG, Limbird LE, Gilman A, eds.: Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Disease. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Astrup A, Toubro S: Thermogenic, metabolic, and cardiovascular responses to ephedrine and caffeine in man. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 17:S41-S43, 1993.
Williams, Andrew D, Cribb Paul J, Cooke Matthew B,, Hayes Alan. The Effect of Ephedra and Caffeine on Maximal Strength and Power in Resistance-Trained Athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: March 2008 – Volume 22 – Issue 2 – p 464-470

Matthew D Vukovich, Rana Schoorman, Chris Heilman, Peyton Jacob III, Neal L Benowitz. Caffeine–herbal ephedra combination increases resting energy expenditure, heart rate and blood pressure. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology.
Volume 32, Issue12, January 2005. Pages 47-53


Xiang YZ1, Shang HC, Gao XM, Zhang BL. A comparison of the ancient use of ginseng in traditional Chinese medicine with modern pharmacological experiments and clinical trials. Phytother Res. 2008 Jul;22(7):851-8
Barton DL1, Liu H, Dakhil SR, Linquist B, Sloan JA, Nichols CR, McGinn TW, Stella PJ, Seeger GR, Sood A, Loprinzi CL. Wisconsin Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) to improve cancer-related fatigue: a randomized, double-blind trial, N07C2. National Journal of Cancer Institute. 2013 Aug 21;105(16):1230-8.
Hyeong-Geug Kim, Jung-Hyo Cho, Sa-Ra Yoo, Jin-Seok Lee, Jong-Min Han, Nam-Hun Lee, Yo-Chan Ahn, and Chang-Gue Son. Antifatigue Effects of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. PLoS One. 2013; 8(4): e61271.
Hitoshi Kaneko and Kozo Nakanishi. Proof of the Mysterious Efficacy of Ginseng: Basic and Clinical Trials: Clinical Effects of Medical Ginseng, Korean Red Ginseng: Specifically, Its Anti-stress Action for Prevention of Disease. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 95, 158 – 162 (2004).
Jae-Hyeok Heo, Soon-Tae Lee, Min Jung Oh, Hyun-Jung Park, Ji-Young Shim, Kon Chu and Manho Kim. Improvement of Cognitive Deficit in Alzheimer’s Disease Patients by Long Term Treatment with Korean Red Ginseng. Journal of Ginseng Research 2011 Nov; 35(4): 457–461.

Baccopa Monerei

Kaustubh S. Chaudhari,a,b,d,* Nishant R. Tiwari,c Rakesh R. Tiwari,d and Rohan S. Sharma. Neurocognitive Effect of Nootropic Drug Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) in Alzheimer’s Disease. Annals of Neuroscience. 2017 May; 24(2): 111–122.
Benson S., Downey L.A., Stough C., Wetherell M., Zangara A., Scholey A. “An acute, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study of 320 mg and 640 mg doses of Bacopa monnieri (CDRI 08) on multitasking stress reactivity and mood.” Phytotherapy Research 2014 Apr;28(4):551-9
Calabrese N.D., Gregory W.L., Leo M., Kraemer D., Bone K., Oken B. “Effects of a Standardized Bacopa monnieri Extract on Cognitive Performance, Anxiety, and Depression in the Elderly: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial” Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine 2008 Jul; 14(6): 707–713
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